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Holy fuck: Schietpartij bij gig carl cox in Caracas
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Author:  Mistik [ 05 Nov 2007, 09:30 ]
Post subject:  Holy fuck: Schietpartij bij gig carl cox in Caracas


:o een verslag van iemand die er bij was.


was doing my last concert by requiest of one of the promoters last night. I was retairing because I was seek of so many idiots driving production companies, people without education. The owners of the productions companies start tu cut corners and hire people without experience.

Last nigh, 15 meter from me when Carl Cox started his show and 10 minutes into it some one started to shot every one. I sounded like firecrackers, so fast I didn't think was a gun. Everybody started to run like crazy.

I was in the main, doing my visuals and filming the show. I just grabbed the camera and started to film everything what was going on.

3 dead body's on the floor, a young guy, a woman and a man. The husband of the woman was shot as well in the leg. Several others people as well but they managed to run.

Mute, my VJ was infront of the shooter, his girlfriend saw the guy with the gun and gave a warning. Mute, saw the guy starting to shoot, stoped and keep shooting and then the shooter realized what he just did and ran.

The party was going so well.

I knew the sponsor, I knew the promoters. The sponsor was Marlboro and was a good guy. The promoters too but no one of security was checking for weapons or anything.

I may upload the video later on, I am not in the mood to even grab my video camera and take a look at the images

Author:  Chane [ 05 Nov 2007, 09:48 ]
Post subject:  re: Holy fuck: Schietpartij bij gig carl cox in Caracas

Leuk feestje :o

Je zou bijna verwachten dat t feest gewoon weer verder gaat aan t eind van t filmpje :lol

Author:  C-Jay [ 05 Nov 2007, 09:58 ]
Post subject:  re: Holy fuck: Schietpartij bij gig carl cox in Caracas

wat een verschrikkelijk naar filmpje zeg... brrrr...
je moet er toch niet aan denken dat zoiets gebeurt? bah!!
wordt er trouwens nou zo rond het einde weer geschoten?? hoor geen schoten, maar iedereen is wel pleite ineens..

is die schutter gepakt? en waarom schoot hij?

Author:  Mistik [ 05 Nov 2007, 10:12 ]
Post subject:  re: Holy fuck: Schietpartij bij gig carl cox in Caracas

nog geen officieel bericht, maar schijnbaar begon ie gewoon te schieten en rende toen weg..

Er is 1x een serie schoten afgevuurd. Denk dat nog niet iedereen door had wat er gebeurd is en dat zodra ze het hoorden ze begonnen te rennen :(

van het carl cox forum
Dead and Many wounded @ RedNoise CCS, Venezuela
About 40 minutes after Carl had gotten on stage the night turned to tragedy, a rage of shots were heard, people ran and by the time the crowd noticed, there were 4 dead on the floor, many more wounded.

I was lucky enough to have had to much to study to make it to the show, I even had my ticket, talk about luck. A friends wife recived a shot in the face, went in through her nose and came out here cheek, keep her in your prayers plz.

I want to take the opportunity to say sorry to Carl, I understand he will never return to Venezuela, which makes perfect sense, but it is a true shame, the electronic music community is trully in awe. Security in this country and by the security company present was just terrible.

Every time I talk to someone present, they say this was the best setup party they had ever been to until the shooting. Carl gave the best 40 minutes Caracas had seen in a long time. Im glad he was not hurt and wish him the best of luck on the rest of the tour through south america.

Videos (You might find these graphic, there is no gore, but you can clearly see the wounded and dead):

R.I.P to the dead, and best of luck to those who are now in the hospital due to this.


Author:  lapunked [ 05 Nov 2007, 10:50 ]
Post subject:  re: Holy fuck: Schietpartij bij gig carl cox in Caracas

niet normaal..

Author:  Paulus de Kalebouter [ 05 Nov 2007, 10:54 ]
Post subject:  re: Holy fuck: Schietpartij bij gig carl cox in Caracas

The world has gone mad. :(

Author:  TheFreezz [ 05 Nov 2007, 11:20 ]
Post subject:  re: Holy fuck: Schietpartij bij gig carl cox in Caracas

vreselijk...hoop je toch nooit mee te maken zoiets...

Author:  Frenkieee [ 05 Nov 2007, 11:22 ]
Post subject:  re: Holy fuck: Schietpartij bij gig carl cox in Caracas

So sick :(

Author:  Bartk [ 05 Nov 2007, 11:41 ]
Post subject:  re: Holy fuck: Schietpartij bij gig carl cox in Caracas

hoorde het net op het 3fm korte nieuws met de naam van carl cox vermeld. dacht al .. het zal toch niet. Wat voor sick basterd ben je dan.

Author:  lapunked [ 05 Nov 2007, 11:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: re: Holy fuck: Schietpartij bij gig carl cox in Caracas

[quote="TheFreezz"]vreselijk...hoop je toch nooit mee te maken zoiets...

Nou inderdaad... je zal er maar lekker wappie staan te wezen... echt niet dat je 1,2,3 door hebt wat er aan de hand is...

Author:  nick [ 05 Nov 2007, 13:51 ]
Post subject:  re: Holy fuck: Schietpartij bij gig carl cox in Caracas

echt heel fucked op zo vraagt je dan af wat er zo`n hoofd omgaat he.
ben benieuwd wat er precies is gebeurt en waarom het is gebeurt.

Author:  Partyhardy! [ 05 Nov 2007, 14:14 ]
Post subject:  re: Holy fuck: Schietpartij bij gig carl cox in Caracas

Bizar, gaat nergens over dit. Zou ook loei pist zijn op zo'n organisatie, hoezo wordt er niet op wapens gecontroleerd??? :rolleyes

Author:  Chane [ 05 Nov 2007, 14:21 ]
Post subject:  re: Holy fuck: Schietpartij bij gig carl cox in Caracas

Idd... lekkere controle :x

Author:  Tigereye [ 05 Nov 2007, 14:53 ]
Post subject:  re: Holy fuck: Schietpartij bij gig carl cox in Caracas

Ik heb er geen woorden voor... :(

Author:  flo [ 05 Nov 2007, 17:59 ]
Post subject:  re: Holy fuck: Schietpartij bij gig carl cox in Caracas

Gewoon spijt dat ik het heb gezien...wat moet dit kut zijn zeg! Gelukkig hebben wij iets betere controle in onze clubs! Bout ook voor carl cox, moet je daarna nog verder met je tour. Volgende keer leuke dingen laten zien..??

Author:  YvonnY [ 05 Nov 2007, 18:10 ]
Post subject:  re: Holy fuck: Schietpartij bij gig carl cox in Caracas

Het is nu niet meer te zien i.i.g. "video is no longer available".

Sick people! :x

Author:  SnuggLe [ 05 Nov 2007, 18:19 ]
Post subject:  re: Holy fuck: Schietpartij bij gig carl cox in Caracas

Hoy shit :evil ... l_cox.html

Daar staat ook nog een filmpje...weet niet of het dezelfde is, maar dat is in ieder geval wat beeldmateriaal.

Author:  C-Jay [ 05 Nov 2007, 19:09 ]
Post subject:  re: Holy fuck: Schietpartij bij gig carl cox in Caracas

was net zelfs bij rtl boulevard...

Author:  Tikkel [ 05 Nov 2007, 19:42 ]
Post subject:  re: Holy fuck: Schietpartij bij gig carl cox in Caracas

bizar hey, echt slecht dat zoiets in iemand op komt! en erg slecht dat er niet gecontroleerd wordt. Ik vind het hier iig niet erg als ze me effe fouilleren!

Author:  C-Jay [ 05 Nov 2007, 19:48 ]
Post subject:  re: Holy fuck: Schietpartij bij gig carl cox in Caracas

maar weet iemand al waarom hij schoot, en of het echt gericht was op iemand / meerdere mensen? of zomaar lukraak?
en istie gepakt?

edit: zelf ff op cox zun site gekeken, en daar staat een statement van hem...
wel lullig, vlak hiervoor moest hij blijkbaar ook gigs afzeggen ivm een tropische storm...
gaat lekker die tour.

“I am deeply shocked and still stunned by the events of Saturday [3rd November]. My condolences go out to victims that were caught up in the horrific act that took place at this gig. I am informed that it was gang related, and feel so sad that anybody would act in such a manner when the event was full of 7000 people having fun.

I find it such a sad moment in electronic music as this was probably one of the best set up shows I had played in South America – a sign of real progress…yet utterly hijacked by this mindless act. Again, my heart goes out to those that have died or been injured. This is NOT what the dance scene is about and is a million miles away from what I want to do, or promote.”


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